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Steve Rigby Supports Rising Stars competition to find UK’s most promising tech start-ups
January 2025: Announcing the 2025 Rising Stars competition, supported by a £3 million investment fund, which will identify and accelerate the UK’s most innovative tech start-ups. Steve will be one of the judges offering mentorship to up-and-coming tech entrepreneurs
Steve Rigby contributes to BCC Economic Review 2024
November 2024: In the 2024 Birmingham Economic Review, Steve emphasizes the city’s role as a dynamic hub for economic and social progress and underscores the importance of partnerships between the private and public sectors to sustain growth and build a globally competitive economy.
The Times: How to make ‘levelling up’ work for business
September 2024: Steve writes in The Times outlining how the Government can implement a successful regional economic strategy, allowing entrepreneurs across the UK to build up their organisations for sustained growth.
BBC Midlands Today: Steve Rigby calls on business leaders to get young people into work
July 2024: Steve Rigby is interviewed by the BBC about The Rigby Foundation’s £600,000 investment to get young unemployed people in the West Midlands into tech careers and calls on business leaders to create opportunities to address unemployment in the region.
ITV News: The Rigby Foundation funds training to get young people into work
July 2024: Steve discusses The Rigby Foundation’s announcement that it will be funding charity Gen UK, investing £600,000 in initiatives to support at least 300 young people across the West Midlands into technically skilled and well-paid jobs over the next three years.
Business Desk: Tech firm invests to boost youth careers in the West Midlands
July 2024: The Rigby Foundation’s announces its £600,000 investment to address rising youth unemployment in the West Midlands.
Video: Steve Rigby announces £600k of funding from The Rigby Foundation to help young people establish careers
July 2024: Steve announces The Rigby Foundation’s commitment to invest £600,000 to support unemployed young people in the West Midlands into technically skilled and well-paid jobs.
Business Magazine: West Midlands new mayor launches flagship plan to create 20,000 learning and work opportunities
July 2024: Steve comments on Rigby Group’s decision to support the West Midlands Mayor’s youth employment plan to open up opportunities for young people in the region.
The Business Desk: Philanthropist calls for a new deal for young people in the West Midlands
July 2024: Steve discusses The Rigby Foundation’s work with the CSJ (Centre for Social Justice) and the need for a new deal for young people in the West Midlands.
The Rigby Foundation launches report with Centre for Social Justice
June 2024: The Rigby Foundation, chaired by Steve Rigby, launches report with the CSJ identifying challenges facing young people across the West Midlands and successful interventions that could be rolled out to address these issues.
Video: Rigby Group and SCC fund Tech WM's OneToWin £1m pitch prize
June 2024: Steve announces Rigby Group’s pledge to £1m prize fund to uncover the West Midlands’ most promising start-up business.
Rigby Foundation Commissions CSJ to Host “Big Listen” Event to Understand Barriers Facing Young People in the West Midlands
April 2024: The Rigby Foundation, chaired by Steve Rigby, partners with the CSJ to identify issues affecting young people in the West Midlands.
City A.M.: Scrapping non-dom status will make some of London a ghost town
February 2024: Steve discusses the implications for the UK’s capital city and beyond if the Government scraps tax rules for non-doms.
CapX: Devolution is the key to making Britain ‘one nation’ again
February 2024: Steve’s opinion piece discussing how the UK can unlock regional growth.